[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations:

The Elusive Cease-Fire
Nadine Marroushi and Lina Attalah write on the Egyptian initiative to establish a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Risks and Rewards for Sisi in Gaza
Scott Williamson weighs the benefits and the challenges that face al-Sisi should Israel and Hamas agree on the Egyptian ceasefire initiative.

No Longer a True Mediator
The Economist argues that, unlike his predecessor Mohamed Morsi, al-Sisi is struggling with the ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

Egypt Scrambles to Stop Missiles Launched at Israel from Sinai
Anas Hamed argues, “Reports of rockets fired at Israel by militants in the Sinai Peninsula are an embarrassment for the Egyptian government as they struggle to contain insurgent groups in the region.”

Army Blocks Egyptian People’s Convoy to Gaza
The Revolutionary Socialists report on the obstructed humanitarian convoy from Cairo to Gaza.

Political Economy:

The Road to Hell: The Politics of International Aid in the Middle East
Sofia Ibrahim argues that international aid to developing countries increases socioeconomic inequalities and has adverse outcomes on the poor.  

Hitting the Salary Ceiling
Isabel Esterman and Jano Charbel argue, “Egypt’s new maximum wage law is cloaked in confusion and conflicting information.”

The Poor Always Bear the Highest Cost
Amr Hamzawy sheds light on the (mis)treatment of poor and low-income families during prison visitation hours and court sessions.

Reforming Egypt`s Black Market - High Hurdles, Big Rewards
Stephen Kalin argues without regaining public trust in government and reforming the economy in Egypt will be difficult tasks.  

General Authority for Tourism Needs Restructuring: Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism Chairman
Abdel Razek al-Shuwekhi and Sara Aggour interview the Chairman of the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism Elhamy El-Zayat, who argues that improving the tourism sector requires “private sector professionals to observe and evaluate its performance.”

Rule of Law and Human Rights:

Five Legal Controversies in `Al Jazeera Case`
Mustafa Mohie lists five controversial issues in Al-Jazeera journalists’ legal case.

Egypt Campaigns Against Atheism
Ahmed Fouad says, “The Egyptian government begins a new program to combat the rise of atheism; however, activists question whether this increase is even real.”

Egypt Continues to Wage War against Civil Society
Alex Russell argues Egyptian NGOs are faced with limitations in conducting critical and investigative research on government actions.

Egypt Campaigns Against Atheism
Ahmed Fouad says, “The Egyptian government begins a new program to combat the rise of atheism; however, activists question whether this increase is even real.”

General Opinions:

Salvaging What Remains of the Nation State: The Missing Example of Egyptian Democracy
Amr Hamzawy argues the Egyptian government, unlike the rest of Arab regimes, has abstained from exploiting the Arab identity to divide society along sectarian, ideological, or tribal lines.

From the End of One Revolutionary Wave to Preparing for Another
Sameh Naguib argues that while the counter-revolutionary forces may have won a battle, the economic struggles and political oppressions may backfire on the status quo.

George Scanlon: An Appreciation
Maria Golia writes an obituary on historian of Islamic art and architecture George Scanlon.

In Arabic:

محمد سيف الدولة: الخطايا العشر فى خطاب السيسى عن فلسطين
Mohamed Seif el-Dawla critiques al-Sisi`s position on the Israeli offensive on Gaza in this article entitled “The Ten Sins of al-Sisi’s Discourse on Palestine.” 

شركاء فى الكيد والهلوسة
Fahmy Huwaidy critiques the media and public’s dehumanization of Hamas.

اطلاق الصواريخ من سيناء على اسرائيل يحرج السلطات المصرية
Anas Hamed argues that reports of rockets fired at Israel by militants in the Sinai Peninsula are “an embarrassment for the Egyptian government as it struggles to contain insurgent groups in the region.”

وقف إطلاق النار المتأزم
Arabic translation of Nadine Marroushi and Lina Attalah’s article on the Egyptian initiative to establish a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

الملحدون... أكثر الفئات غموضاً بالنّسبة إلى الدّولة
Ahmed Fouad discusses the Egyptian government’s program to combat so-called “the rise of atheism” while activists are skeptical this increase is even real.

من أين نبدأ؟.. دلجا بعد عام من عزل مرسي
Isaac Ibrahim writes on the state’s negligence of the increased sectarianism that Copts have been encountering in Delga. 

"٥ نقاط مثيرة للجدل في حيثيات قضية "صحفيي الجزيرة
Mustafa Mohie lists five controversial issues in Al-Jazeera journalists’ legal case.

التقشف المالى زائد الانكماش النقدى يساوى ركود طويل الأجل
Omar al-Shenaity argues al-Sisi’s austerity measures will result in long-term economic stagnation. 

Shireen Abu al-Naga reacts to reports concerning University of Cairo’s twenty million dollar donation to Tahya Misr Fund (Long Live Egypt) in order to reform informal housings in Cairo.

حلول بديلة لتخفيض عجز الموازنة
Youssef Bishai offers alternative economic methods to reduce Egypt’s deficit.

الناصرية الجديدة: ضرورة أم اختيار؟ 1
Mahmoud Ahmed, in response to Amr Adly’s “The Problematic Continuity of Nasserism,” explains the ideological contentions of Nasserism, and its long-term influence on society.     

الناصرية الجديدة: ضرورة أم اختيار؟ 2
Mahmoud Ahmed, in response to Amr Adly’s “The Problematic Continuity of Nasserism,” argues that in order for a new form of Nasserism to emerge, Egypt has to encounter drastic political changes and partial economic shifts, while maintaining its foreign policy.

«حضرة الضابط.. «ما تيجي تكتب انت
Tamer Abu Arab sheds light on the security apparatus’ oppressive tactics against the opposition.  

الحرية للسجين الذكر العادي البالغ من العمر 18 - 40 عامًا
Mohamed Abu al-Ghait sheds light on the authorities’ daily detention of activists and/or Muslim Brotherhood supporters who usually remain nameless in light of the high volume of imprisonments.

الليبرالية الزائفة
Mohamed Kamal argues the liberals’ in Egypt have maintained consistent alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood before and after the 25 January and 30 June uprisings.